Thanks to Arfinn Learning Solutions, Inc. physicians now have the most up-to-date information regarding cannabis treatment best practices.

The organization recently created, an online peer-to-peer portal for medical professionals to share HIPAA protected patient treatments and efficacies for cannabis and other non-traditional practices, while also gaining valuable analytics regarding their own practice.

The way it works is that physicians add cases for their patients in order to track their efficacy outcomes on the platform’s dashboard.

Since the information is HIPAA compliant and only focuses on general demographic and treatment specifics like dosing and type of delivery mode, this information is then available to any physician registered on the portal. The portal allows physicians to see real-time data and outcomes for the effectiveness of medical marijuana. The platform allows physicians to pull reports based on any number of filters and/or data points. The portal database can be used to statistically infer outcomes for any patient demographic resulting in more informed treatment options.

“This means that if you have a new patient who comes in with Parkinson’s disease, you can run a report based on that patient’s demographics to find what the most effective treatment path will be based on the cases of other medical professionals treating similar patients,” explains James West, Arfinn CEO and founder.

The website officially launches in January 2019, with limited access to the data, but analytics regarding cannabis efficacy treatments began in December. Medical professionals using have access to a dashboard showing their patients’ cannabis treatments and efficacies.

“We also provide analytics on patient demographics and treatment outcomes so physicians know exactly what treatments work best in their own practice,” says West. “Physicians are able to engage and keep in contact with patients regarding their treatment outcomes, increasing the probability that patients return to their practice. This is done by using our patient engagement tools and patient portal.”

West created the concept because he believed that there was currently not enough information regarding the benefits of medical marijuana (and its dosing) for physicians and patients.

“We wanted to provide physicians a way to collaborate on best practices, conduct their own clinical trials, and do what they do best, which is make sure patients have access to the best possible treatments available,” he says.

Access to the website is free for physicians. In addition, West says that they offer its users discounts on a variety of products to help grow their practice, as well as ancillary products like videos of general information regarding medical marijuana to be shown in waiting rooms.

Since they have a national network of physicians participating, its national offices are located in Dallas, Texas. However, there are many participating physicians in Florida including Mark N. Hashim, M.D., who has a practice in both Hudson and Tampa, FL.

Dr. Hashim prides himself in using his education as an Anesthesiologist and Pain Management physician to help patients treat their qualified condition and help them eliminate prescription medications. Dr. Hashim has presented at numerous medical conferences teaching his peers how to utilize cannabis to treat patients and improve their quality of life.

“As a cannabis physician, it is such a relief to have a portal to share with other physicians about conditions and outcomes,” he says. “I am able to see what patients respond best to, and this allows me to provide options that may better suit each patient.”

Dr. Hashim calls cannabis an exciting field and the more he can learn about what works well, the better he is able to achieve a positive result for his patients and improve their quality of life.

“This is a revolutionary idea that will not only benefit the cannabis patients, but will help guide physicians on decisions about treating various ailments,” he adds.

For more information, visit Dr. Hashim’s office is located at 7412 Community Court, Hudson, FL 34667 and 3314 Henderson Blvd, Suite 104, Tampa, FL 33609.